October 18, 2017
October 18, 2017
5 famous authors that made books for Gen Y

The book-buying market has been booming. And it isn’t the baby boomers enjoying the number one position in the market. Surprisingly it is the Millennials. Also referred to as Generation Y, Millennials are defined by the demographic that were born between 1980s and the end of 1994.
For many of the previous generations, Millennials are nothing but a generation of lazy, profligating bunch who cannot function without technology. But in the book-buying market, the Millennials are the rapidly growing class of obsessive book lovers that are making waves in outnumbering the other generations. In this technology-obsessed world, bookstores are becoming the new social destination for this young generation outside the realms of schools.
But the greatest and most successful authors, across any generation whatsoever, are the ones who capture the pulse of people around them. Let’s take a look at 5 authors that have famously appealed to a wide swath of Millennials through their written word.
The Mobile Youth: Voices of the Mobile Generation by Graham Brown
The book is a collection of stories of today’s youth and the emotional relationship they share with their mobile phones. Through his journey from Rio de Janeiro to Tokya, the author discovers 10 stories of different young people that narrate how they use their mobile phones. Each one has a different story to tell, a different way of using their phones, something not known to older generations. With over 1 billion people of Millennials owning a Mobile phone, the book provides an insight into what’s driving the youth of today from the east to the west of the world.
Bossypants by Tina Fey
An autobiographical tale of a young Tina Fey with a dream, the book takes its readers onto a wild ride giving a fascinating glimpse of the author’s life – from her childhood to the behind the scenes of her TV show, Saturday Night Live – and all that happens in between. While she reveals awkward stories of her journey, she also reveals the lessons she learned in life – the biggest one being that ‘you’re no one until someone calls you bossy.’
The book is a hilarious memoir that tops the must-read list for any woman that’s living the ‘too-much-to-juggle lifestyle’ and is need of some smiles, laughter and definitely some inspiration. The book topped New York Times Best Seller list for a good five weeks.
Brokenomics: 50 Ways to Live the Dream on a Dime by Dina Gachman
The book is a hilarious and useful read for anyone wanting to live a great life without breaking the bank. Through stories that are honest as well as humorous, the author Dina Gachman offers advice to Millennials on a range of topics affecting their lives including education, rent, loan, careers. The book is a fine balance of ‘laugh out loud’ funny stories that also offer a valuable perspective on money management and on life in general.
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling
The book is a tour of the author Mindy Kaling’s life and her hilarious observations on friendship, romance and celebrities – How she defines a best friend, or a great guy, or what she thinks is the secret to a slim figure. The book is a fresh, light and fun take on Millennial life and ranks 6556 on Amazon’s best selling list.
All I Know Now: Wonderings and Reflections on Growing Up Gracefully by Carie Hope Fletcher
The book is a funny and honest guide to navigating through the most difficult phase of our lives – growing up. It offers some great advice on how to grow up gracefully through the author’s personal experiences and thoughts. The book is an uplifting book for Millennials that ranks 19,622 on Amazon’s best selling list.
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