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November 25, 2021

November 25, 2021



The Best School Communication App For Kids 2022

School communication apps can make the learning process easier and more interesting for children.It helps schools and parents to be more organized and productive.The market offers a wide range of apps, but finding the best school communication app can be tricky. So it’s always best to try out the different school communication apps for kids on offer and find the one that helps you most to achieve your educational and school communication goals.

What are school communication apps for kids

School communication apps are designed to make the learning process easier and reduce the communication gap between parents and teachers. As the education industry has undergone a huge transformation, the usage of school communication apps for kids has increased tremendously. In addition, these apps arrive with plenty of school oriented features and functionalities that make education engaging and interesting for students. Moreover, most apps have additional functionality that makes it easy for parents to engage with their children’s education and connect with teachers no matter where they are. 

How school communication apps for kids helps in school communication

School communication apps for kids help in school communication by offering a perfect platform for interaction. These apps offer a free messaging feature that allows parents and teachers to stay connected easily. As the messaging feature is free, parents and teachers can discuss anything without worrying about cost. 

Instant communication with parents

school communication apps allow teachers to send messages to parents instantly. The messages sent are delivered quickly and teachers will get a reply as soon as parents see them. Teachers can also know whether parents have seen their message. 

  • Parents know school updates and announcements quickly

Using school communication apps, parents can stay connected with school easily. Teachers can announce school events and updates through school communication apps. Parents will know about these updates without fail. They will get instant notifications about school updates that cannot be missed. 

  • Parents can reach any teacher to know the progress of their kids education

As all the teachers and parents are using school communication apps, the communication gap is considerably reduced. Parents can reach any teacher using the school communication app easily. Teachers and parents can discuss the progress of kids through school communication apps. As all the teachers use school apps from their smartphones, parents can easily contact them anytime. 

  • Enable parents to view their children’s digital profile updated by teachers to know their class activities

school communication apps also allow parents to view the digital profile updated by teachers. This will give a clear idea about the class activities of their children. It also reflects the behaviour of students inside the classroom. Parents will know the interests and weaknesses of their kids. Parents can also take efforts to improve their kid’s behaviour from home. 

  • Stories feature enables to stay connected with kids 

Teachers can share photos and videos of classroom activities as Stories using school communication apps. Parents can view these Stories and enjoy their kid’s class activities from their home. Students will also feel more involved in class activities as their parents are also watching them. 

  • Cloud storage enables to make education easier for parents and kids 

Teachers can store big files in cloud storage easily using school communication apps for kids. The cloud storage feature offers ambient storage for teachers to store academic documents, assignments, etc. Students and parents can also access these files easily using school communication apps. 

  • Live broadcasting helps parents to interact with teachers from anywhere  

Another useful feature available in school communication apps is live broadcast. This feature allows teachers to go live and interact with students and parents. Students can clear their doubts directly with teachers using this feature. Parents can also join the live session and discuss educational topics with teachers from anywhere. 

What are the features that make school communication apps for kids standapart from traditional apps?

These are the important features that make school communication apps for kids better than traditional apps.

  • Emergency messaging

Emergency messaging is one of the most important features of any school communication app. This feature allows teachers to reach parents quickly in emergency situations. For example, if a student has any health issues, parents can quickly notify parents using emergency messaging. The parent’s smartphone makes a loud siren about the teacher’s message even when the device is in silent mode. This feature creates trust between parents and teachers. It also makes the bond between them stronger, which is a vital part of education. 

  • Student wallet

This feature allows students to carry a digital wallet to schools. Parents can easily manage the expenses of their children directly from their smart devices with the student wallet feature. Students can use their digital wallets to pay for canteens, stationery bills, and more at the school. Students also don’t have to stand in long queues to make the payment. This feature promotes social distancing and safety. It also avoids the scenario of students losing money due to carelessness. 

  • Rewards and Challenges

Rewards and challenges is a fun feature included to improve the soft skills and behavior of students inside the classroom. Teachers can give digital trophies and stickers to students according to their behavior. Students will also behave properly to obtain these attractive rewards. 

  • Documents can be shared online between parents and teachers 

The file-sharing feature of school communication apps enables teachers and parents to exchange documents online. For example, teachers can share progress reports and mark sheets with parents easily. As a result, parents need not have to come to school to collect these documents during these challenging times. 

5 best school communication app for kids 2022


Schoolvoice is a complete school communication app for kids designed to make the learning process easier. Kids can easily take advantage of this user-friendly app using any of their smart devices. This app not only improves educational standards but also promotes parent-teacher communication. These useful features make Schoolvoice one of the best school communication apps for elementary students. 

  • Actionable Messages

The actionable messages enable teachers to communicate with important school announcements, request school fee payments, and announce circulars with predefined reply buttons to improve parent engagement.

  • Instant Messaging

This feature allows parents to initiate a chat with teachers using the app. Instant Messaging is a built-in chat facility that enables you to send and respond to messages immediately. 

  • Stories

The Story is a feature that allows teachers to share class activities as videos and pictures with parents, so they can enjoy viewing their loved ones enjoying at school. It improves student engagement and their soft skills. 

  • Teacher’s Drive

Teachers can store academic files, mark sheets, and certificates in this cloud storage. Parents and students can access Teacher’s Drive to access homework, class materials, and other documents too.

  • Rewards and Challenges

Rewards and Challenges help teachers reward students’ soft skills and achievements by giving them digital stickers and trophies as positive encouragement. 

  • Contactless payment

This feature allows students to carry a digital wallet to schools. Parents can easily provide money to students via this wallet. Students can use this money to pay canteen bills, stationery bills, etc., at the school.


ClassDojo is an interesting school communication app for kids that enriches the classroom experience. This app allows parents, students, and teachers to interact with each other comfortably. Students can communicate with teachers regarding their educational needs, while parents can stay updated with their children’s progress. Students and parents can easily access the app by logging in using a QR code scanner. In addition, it can be integrated with other applications like DataDog, Google Translate, and Zendesk. Classdojo can also translate over 30 different languages. The important features of this app include

  • Messenger

Parents and students can easily send a direct message to the teachers using this feature. The read receipt also allows teachers to find who has read their messages. 

  • Groups

Classdojo allows teachers to create as many groups or classes as they want. Students can join these groups from their smartphones easily. 

  • File sharing

Classdojo also allows teachers to exchange images, videos, and documents with parents and students easily. It improves parent-teacher communication by reducing confusion. 

  • Quiet Hours

This feature allows teachers to set time for their rest and break. Students can also use this time as a break. 


Remind is a safe, classroom-friendly school communication app to help teachers send messages and files to students and parents. Teachers send students messages such as daily homework assignments, reminders of upcoming tests, notes, and much more. Teachers can also message individual students, an entire class of students, or multiple classes simultaneously. For students and parents, Remind app will help them stay on top of what is going on at school, from class activities to extracurricular events. The main features of this school communication app are

  • Messages

This feature allows teachers to send and receive messages easily. It also allows sending announcements to a particular group of people. 

  • File sharing

Teachers can share images, videos, and documents with parents and students using this option. You can easily select files from your device and share them instantly. 

  • People

Teachers can easily manage and reach their contacts from this feature. It has different categories like students, parents, and teachers for easy access. 

  • Class

Teachers can create and manage all their classes under this feature. Students can easily join these classes without fail.  


Edmodo enables teachers to interact easily with parents and students and allows them to manage classrooms effectively. It is one of the best free learning apps for kids that offers a consistent learning experience. Using Edmodo, teachers can organize activities like quizzes and competitions. It enhances the engagement of students in classroom activities. Features that make Edmodo a complete app for kids are 

  • Discussion Forum

This feature allows teachers and parents to discuss educational matters, students’ progression, and performance.

  • File Sharing

Teachers can exchange images, videos, and documents with parents and students easily with this feature. 

  • Track Progress

Teachers can manage and track the progress of students using the Edmodo app.

  • Polls, Quizzes, and Assignments

Edmodo also allows teachers to create polls, quizzes, assignments, and award badges for students. Thus, it makes the classroom more engaging for students. 


ClassTag is a free school communication app for teachers and students. ClassTag has a suite of tools that make it simple to organize events and activities that parents show up for. ClassTag is one of the best school communication apps for kids because it has unique features and is completely free for everyone. ClassTag not only encourages parent-teacher communication but also makes the classroom interesting for kids. The features of ClassTag includes,

  • Messaging

Teachers can send messages along with images, videos and files to the parents and students easily. 

  • Translator

The translator allows parents to receive and respond to teachers’ messages in any language they prefer. 

  • Announcement

This feature allows teachers to send messages to a group of people like students of a particular grade. 


The transformation of the educational system has paved the way for school communication apps. As mentioned earlier, the educational and communication features of these dedicated school communication apps makes it easier to choose it over traditional apps. Most of these apps are designed to encourage students to learn and assist educators. As plenty of school communication apps are available in the market, the list given above will easily help you choose the right one. 

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